Another Me

... I wanna be someone, feel something so different
I wanna throw my head back into the wind
I wanna jump out of my skin, into what I’ve never been
So free, another me ... 

There’re unwanted conditions in our life, and inevitably, one day maybe we’ll surely get stuck in these conditions.

And it happens to me this day, when those unwanted condition really makes me want to be another people, and leave my problems here.

So this song describe what I’m feeling today, exactly.

Maybe, I was just a loser who’s afraid to face my problems and run from it. Haha.

And I think for some peoples it was just a trivial problem, but for me, it’s like……. Yeah, you know makes you want to disappear right now from that place. And actually, I really really hate this situation when other peoples could see my weakness side…

Oh how I wish that wasn’t me.



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