Late Night Thoughts
It's been a while since the last time ku post persoalan pribadi a.k.a. curcol panjang lebar yang gaje nan tak bermakna pun tak berfaeda :) but here I am, thinking maybe I should post something like this again, in order to make myself slightly feel better since I can't tell stories in real life like how I do it here. I just want to share them, without the feeling of being judged, without the need of hiding my emotions since I am really ugly whenever I am crying :') So instead of learning and preparing for today's exam, here I am. The urge to let them out is bigger than my will to studying for quality control's final I think :')) Nyaris 2 tahun sudah aku merantau, menjalani kehidupan di kota yang nyaris tak pernah mati. kota yang menawarkan romantisme di tiap sudutnya, yang terkadang buat ku merasa sesak :') Nyaris 1 tahun sudah aku mencoba bertahan dari rasa penyesalan dan depresi akibat pilihan yang dulu pernah kubuat, walaupun mungkin sebaikny...